The rubber ball that is short-term insider sentiment has bounced yet again. Looking at the one-week sell/buy ratios from Vickers Stock Research, we’ll focus initially on the Total ratio, which takes in account insider transactions on all exchanges. On a scale that is bullish below 2.00, neutral between 2.00 and 6.00, and bearish above 6.00, Vickers’ Total One-Week Sell/Buy ratio rings in this week 5.33. That is at the high end of the neutral range, but follows readings of 10.25 last week (solidly bearish), 6.34 the week before that (bearish), and 9.66 the week before that (again, solidly bearish). Drilling down on an exchange basis, the results on the NYSE for the last four weeks are a bit calmer, with a currently neutral one-week ratio of 3.90 after readings of 6.25 (bearish), 6.55 (bearish), and 7.95 (a bit deeper into the bearish zone) over the previous weeks. That leaves the Nasdaq, which is indeed 800-pound gorilla in all of this. The Nasdaq one-week ratio is currently 6.46 (bearish), but follows 14.06 last week (very bearish), 6.89 the week before that (bearish), and 15.57 the week before that (again, very bearish). End of day, current insider-sentiment reading are volatile, matching the broader mar