Home Finance Tips Public Storage (PSA) Stock Forecasts

Public Storage (PSA) Stock Forecasts

Public Storage (PSA) Stock Forecasts


Public Storage, based in California, is a REIT that operates self-storage facilities. The company has about 3,400 self-storage facilities including locations in 43 states. Public Storage also has a 35% equity stake in Shurgard Europe, with about 280 facilities and 17 million square feet of rentable space in Western Europe.

At year-end 2024, stabilized, same store properties account for almost three-fourths of the company’s portfolio. Of the REIT’s stabilized portfolio, approximately one-third of same-store assets were in California, Texas, and Florida, with 9% in the Los Angeles area. Last year, total revenues reached almost $4.7 billion with about 5% earned from non-storage, ancillary operations


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